As you probably already know, the California Supreme Court revisits same-sex marriage this week. In cities all across this state there will be candlelight marches. One will begin here in San Francisco at 6pm at Market and Castro (arrive between 5:30 and 6). I would also like you to know that I will NOT be at Market and Castro tonight as the march begins. Rather, I will be on my knees asking God to watch over all of us and for the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of all of those who think our love is not valid.
I will be officiating at Evening Prayer in my church at 6pm (which is the same time the march begins), but since my church here in San Francisco is just two blocks away from Civic Center, I can leave after the service and still catch the march and be present for the program in front of the state building. I’m certain many of the folks who come to the service will be offering silent prayers before the service begins, for their spouses, for the Supreme Court justices, for social justice, and for God’s blessing on ALL of God’s people.
You are certainly welcome to join us. Evening Prayer begins at 6pm at Advent of Christ the King, 261 Fell Street (between Franklin and Gough) in San Francisco. Note that there is no coffee hour or other social gathering afterward because, as I noted, I and others will be leaving immediately afterward for the march.
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