We know the names of those of have died, but in most cases we don't know there sexual orientation. Normally it shouldn't even matter, but there HAVE been gay men and women in the US military who have been in harms way and some of them have died in battle. Today, as we work for an end to the "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" policy, let us remember all the contributions that there have been by our sisters and brothers who happen to be gay, lesbian or bisexual.
DADT is not just something that concerns those who are in the military. We are speaking of basic human rights. Please join me in working to see that it is ended and that ALL are treated fairly. And on this Memorial Day, let us give thanks for the courage of Lt. Choi who go tme started here - for his great courage in coming out and for all of the other men and women who have bravely come out. Let is remember our fallen men and women, INCLUDING those who happen to be gay.
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