Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Remembering Oscar Romero

Do all of you know who Oscar Romero was? (The picture to the right should give you a clue). He was more than just a cleric though. He witnessed ongoing violations of human rights and he started a group which spoke out on behalf of the poor and victims of the Salvadorian Civil War. In 1980, he was assassinated while celebrating mass. The process to recognize him as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church began many years ago. He is remembered officially though in the Anglican world. Today is his commoration day on our calendar (the anniversary of his murder).

Last night I was at a church here in town where, during a lovely service, Archbishop Romero was remembered. There was singing and readings and a spirited homily and prayers that touched the heart. I'm really glad that people are not forgetting this remarkable man. One of the best ways I think we can continue to honor his is to commit ourselves to social justice - not just for people of groups we like, but for EVERYONE!

Want to know more? (And I really hope you do. There is so much that could be said about Archbishop Romero, but I generally try to keep these posts relatively short). Google his name though. There is a wealth of information out there! And one more thing - say a prayer. Thank God for people like Archbishop Oscar Romero. He made a difference in the world - he gave.

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